

Read what we're up to

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We are thrilled to introduce our new Patron, the osteopath James Davies, who has treated many top celebrities. Read about James and watch our interview with him.
The results of the 2022 STAMMA Trustee Election are in! Find out who has been voted to serve on the Board.
Six things need to be done to improve provision for children and young people, say two speech & language therapy bodies in their response to a Government review.
It's Trustee election time again. Read about each of the candidates here before voting and watch our hustings events.
The brand new STAMMA Educators' Stammering Network aims to raise awareness within schools and universities. You don't have to work in education to join.
We're celebrating 44 years of our campaigns and community by raising funds — because people who stammer still face discrimination and ignorance. Join us!
The Leeds United defender Luke Ayling features in a BBC interview about his stammer.
The results from last year's survey, in which we asked about your experiences of stammering and what you thought of STAMMA and our activities.
Our ad campaign calling for greater stammering representation in the media is now showing in cinemas across the UK. 
Claire Foy, Joe Biden and Colin Firth triumph at The Stammies, our first ever awards for stammering in the media. Read the full list of winners and watch the whole thing back.
We've been asked for a response to the invasion of Ukraine. Read it here.
A new play at the Bristol Old Vic and online about a 12-year-old boy's search for his own voice and identity.