

Read what we're up to

Find out about our activities and what's going on in the stammering world.

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An obituary for Pete, our former trustee, who has sadly passed away.
Listen to a volunteer on our Employment Service talking on a podcast about the challenges faced by customers who stammer.
What's your experience of ordering in coffee shops? Fill out our survey and help us make space to stammer.
STAMMA's Deborah Johnston has been awarded an MBE for her work supporting students who stammer.
Our helpline and webchat opening times over the Christmas period.
Volunteer Lyndsay introduces the work we've been doing with Experian to make it easier to contact companies if you stammer.
Shop via Easyfundraising and you'll be supporting STAMMA at no cost to you.
This week we launched our new website. We're working on fixing a few things.
The STAMMA Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held on a very cold day in Birmingham this year, in person and online.
Help us carry on our services by supporting our new appeal.
Last Friday we won big at the Big Syn International Film Festival.