Gareth's comic: Small Talk
Wednesday 8th May 2024
The latest comic strip about stammering from cartoonist and STAMMA member Gareth Cowlin.
Gareth is kindly contributing a comic strip a month for a whole year, exclusively to the STAMMA website. Read this month's edition, 'Small Talk', below.
More next month. Read Gareth's previous comic strips in our Features section.
To see more of Gareth's work, or to contact him, find him on social media using @garethcowlin or email
Do you have something stammering-related you'd like us to feature? Write an article or send your art or music. See Submit Something For The Site or email
Related Links
Looking for help with your stammer? Has your child started stammering? We're here.
The latest comic strip about stammering from cartoonist and STAMMA member Gareth Cowlin.
Help and inspire others who stammer. Share your story, opinions, things that have helped or your creativity.

Tayo & Bhupinder

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