Your Voice

Your Voice

Your articles on life with a stammer

Stories, articles, opinions, poems, art and more from people who stammer. Read about their stammering experiences.

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Your voice
Reflections on President Joe Biden and the narrative of overcoming stammering.
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When most therapy options for mental health involve talking, this can be a major issue when you stammer, Byron highlights.
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John challenges the 'overcoming' narrative around stammering and shares the things that have helped him on his journey to freedom. 
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Adam addresses some of the criticism towards Joe Biden, and tells us what a soon-to-be-President who has been open about his stammer means to him and the stammering community.
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U.S.-based Michelle gives an American perspective on Joe Biden winning the US Presidential election.
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Alan gives us his thoughts on Joe Biden, a person who stammers (PWS), becoming US President Elect, and looks at how he achieved it.
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Meeting other people who stammer transformed the way Kaitlin viewed her speech. Here she challenges the idea that she has to conform to expectations of fluency.
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Patrick argues for introducing new language to change public attitudes and perceptions of stammering.
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Last month we shared a poem from Sam, which made him something of a celebrity. But when he saw one headline describe him as a sufferer, Sam and his mum Victoria decided to do something about it.
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Certain comments about James's stammer left a mark when he first heard them. But he's since learnt to look at them and respond in a different way, seeing them instead as an opportunity to inform people about stammering.
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Can theatre change public attitudes to people who stammer? Catherine set out to explore this with the play 'Unspoken'.
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To coincide with our campaign 'Find The Right Words', Louise talks about the power of words and their impact on her.
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