Your Voice

Your Voice

Your articles on life with a stammer

Stories, articles, opinions, poems, art and more from people who stammer. Read about their stammering experiences.

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Your voice
Alex talks about finding acceptance by facing the things he fears and surrounding himself with the right people.
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Karabo tells us about growing up fearful of talking and appreciating the kindness of others.
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Dilpreet tells us about getting past stammering-related shyness to make videos sharing messages of positivity.
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Should Dan tick the UCAS form's 'disability' box? He tells us what happened when he chose not to.
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Richard talks about stammering, school, uni and dating in the pre-internet 90s, as well as what helps him now.
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Philip's short story all about a girl who stammers who is asked to read aloud in class.
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Maddie and speech & language therapist Anna tell us about collaborating on a set of training videos for teachers.
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Law student Lucy tells us how speaking to lecturers about her stammer helps.
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Tom tells us how he feels about starting university and the technique that helped him with his Oxford interview.
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Despite being bullied as a child for his stammer, Abu Abraham tells us how the prospect of a better future, as well as his mother's words of encouragement, gave him the motivation to succeed. 
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Teacher Abid gives us an evocative snapshot of growing up in 1980s Bradford, when support for his stammer was thin on the ground. But broadening his horizons later on in life helped him to think more positively.
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Olivia describes what it's like at school when you have a covert stammer, and gives ideas for working with your teachers to create a safe space for stammering.
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