Your Voice

Your Voice

Your articles on life with a stammer

Stories, articles, opinions, poems, art and more from people who stammer. Read about their stammering experiences.

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Your voice
Registered Nurse Ben talks about his stammer, changing career, links between sexual health and stammering, and why it is important now more than ever to talk about your health.
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Now retired, Tony looks back at a varied working life which saw him change careers in his 50s to become a barrister then a judge, and shares his secrets for developing self-condidence.
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Nilima talks passionately about becoming a student ambassador and not letting anxieties over public speaking and introductions stop her from realising her ambitions.
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Speech & language therapist Stephanie looks at the debate over the social vs medical model of disability.
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Art student Alexander Taylor shares some of his stammering-related work.
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Writing from the USA, James shares his current state of mind in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, explaining how all the uncertainty, zoom calls and facemask-wearing is taking its toll on his speech and mental health.
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Michael Derrig-Adams got into filmmaking after realising carpentry wasn't for him, and wanted his first documentary to be all about his experiences of stammering. He even managed to get Michael Palin to appear. Read about how it went...
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Having a covert stammer, Jenny was used to hiding away. Here she explains how meeting others online helped her to transition, and how portraying herself differently built her confidence.
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Michael's stammer used to control his life. Here he tells us how his passion for football led him into a career coaching children and how those children were the ones really coaching him.
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Nicole explains how dance and yoga help with her stammer, as well as the challenges of learning a new language. 
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When his daughter's boyfriend asked Dave for her hand in marriage, he said yes. But he soon realised it would involve having to make a wedding speech. Would a fluency device help him through it?
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James Hayden from New Orleans tells us what the hit Broadway and West End show means to him as a person who stammers.
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