Blog Lists

Read Jordan's inspiring story about landing the job of his dreams.
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After a hard time at school, Abdiwali tells us how adopting a positive mindset has helped him succeed at work.
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Registered Nurse Ben talks about his stammer, changing career, links between sexual health and stammering, and why it is important now more than ever to talk about your health.
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Tony looks back at a varied life which saw him change careers in his 50s to become a barrister, then a judge.
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Nilima talks passionately about becoming a student ambassador and not letting anxieties over public speaking and introductions stop her from realising her ambitions.
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Speech & language therapist Stephanie looks at the debate over the social vs medical model of disability.
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Art student Alexander Taylor shares some of his stammering-related work.
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Writing from the USA, James shares his current state of mind in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, explaining how all the uncertainty, zoom calls and facemask-wearing is taking its toll on his speech and mental health.
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Michael Derrig-Adams got into filmmaking after realising carpentry wasn't for him, and wanted his first documentary to be all about his experiences of stammering. He even managed to get Michael Palin to appear. Read about how it went...
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