Study: Eyewitness testimony & stammering

A microphone in a courtroom setting

Help researchers at the University of Bath with their research and get a £15 Amazon voucher. They're looking into the effects of stammering when giving eyewitness testimony.

Sohee, Jasmin, Patrick and Navyaa say, "Eyewitness testimony is widely used in the criminal justice system. Yet, it often proves unreliable. That's because accurately recalling events puts certain demands on the brain. This could be more challenging for people with communication difficulties, such as stammering.

'We want to explore the accuracy and completeness of eyewitness testimonies from people who stammer. We'll compare this with testimony from people who don't stammer. We also want to ask people about their experiences of providing eyewitness testimonies".

What will it involve?

The researchers will ask you to join them on Microsoft Teams to:

  1. watch a 2-minute staged crime video
  2. complete a 10-minute survey and test
  3. take part in a 30-minute eyewitness testimony interview, and
  4. complete a 25-minute open-ended survey.

The whole thing should take no longer than 1-and-a-half hours.

Who can take part?

You can take part if you:

  • are aged 18+
  • are a UK resident
  • can speak and understand spoken English to first language equivalent, and
  • are someone who stammers.

To thank you for your time you will be given a £15 Amazon voucher.

How to take part

Click this link to find out more and to sign up.

Or use the QR code on the poster below. 

If you have any questions, feel free to email the lead researchers at or

A poster with lots of text and a QR code

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