Adults New To Stammering Group
A monthly online group for people who start stammering in adulthood.
Group facilitators Helen and Tracey say, "Have you started stammering as an adult? If so, and you'd like to meet others with similar experiences, you're welcome to come along to our monthly online meetings.
'The group is held over Zoom and is open to anyone who has started stammering as an adult. It offers a safe space to meet others and talk about shared experiences and topics of interest. The group is open to all, so UK and international participants are welcome."
Helen and Tracey are both speech & language therapists, but are working here in the role of group facilitators rather than as therapists. One of them started stammering as an adult and one does not stammer.
The group meets on the first Thursday of every month at 6:30pm until 8pm.
If you'd like to join the group, or for more information, please contact Tracey and Helen at adultsnewtostammering@gmail.com
Also, see our page Help If You Have Just Started Stammering.