Ed Sheeran reads the CBeebies Bedtime Story
5th November 2021
Are you looking for information and support for stammering after watching Ed Sheeran read the CBeebies Bedtime Story?
In the programme, Ed talks about his own experiences with stammering and reads the book I Talk Like A River. The story, by Jordan Scott, is about a young boy who stammers and is finding the moments of 'stuckness' with his speech upsetting. As the story goes on, the child comes to understand that stammered speech has its own beauty and rhythms. (Watch it on BBC iPlayer.)
does your child stammer?
Many of the 8% of children who stammer aren't worried by it, but some do find it upsetting. If your child stammers and you're looking for information and support, we're here. Our For Parents page is a good place to start. Here you'll find information about stammering, useful videos with hints and tips, and links to our popular workshops for parents and online support groups.
If you have specific questions or just want to chat to someone, we're here. Call our free helpline on 0808 802 0002 or start a webchat.
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Read a parent's review of the book I Talk Like A River.
(Image courtesy of BBC/Guy Levy)