Videos for parents of pre-school children

A laptop with text on it and a mobile phone with a woman smiling on the screen
STAMMA's Kirsten and our parent videos

Watch our set of videos for parents whose child has just started stammering.

During lockdown we saw a record number of calls to our helpline from parents looking for information and support for their children who started stammering. So we made a set of videos to help answer some of the most frequent questions parents are asking.

Programme Lead Kirsten Howells made the videos from home, and you can watch them below.

If you'd like to talk about things, you can call our helpline for free on 0808 802 0002 or start a webchat. Visit Help If Your Child Stammers for more information.

You can also read written transcriptions of all the videos


Has your pre-school child started stammering?

Should I be worried?

Is it my fault?

How to help part 1: What you're trying to achieve

How to help part 2: Talking to a child who stammers

How to help part 3: Becoming more comfortable with stammering

How to help part 4: One-to-one time with your child

How to help part 5: How to talk about stammering

Two women in running outfits holding flags and looking at the camera
Tayo & Bhupinder
A speaker on stage at STAMMAFest 2023

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