Trustee Election 2022: Results
8th August 2022
The results of the 2022 STAMMA Trustee Election are in!
Each year, we open two Trustee vacancies for election by you, our Members, to help us steer the charity and decide its direction.
Voting in this year's election has closed and we can announce that Mandy Taylor and Alexander Harrison (pictured above) will take their place on the Board of Trustees. Congratulations to them both! Their appointments will be confirmed at the next Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Saturday 27th August 2022. You are welcome to attend.
There were 11 candidates vying for a place this year and the results were as followed:
Mandy Taylor: 127 votes (26% of the membership)
Alexander Harrison: 120 (24%)
Ahmad Bismillah: 115 (23%)
Shraddha Sinha: 92 (19%)
Prasan Modasia: 86 (17%)
Colin Mitchell: 79 (16%)
Jonathan Hunter: 65 (13%)
Bob Paton: 63 (13%)
David Murray: 63 (13%)
Adrian Botham: 52 (11%)
Bob Budge: 30 (6%)
Thank you to everyone who took part and everyone who voted. This year the election took place while we were heavily marketing STAMMAFest Global, our conference coming up on the 24th-28th August. As a result, the number of votes cast was down on last year at 14% of the membership, compared to 23% in 2021.
Each term last for three years. Mandy and Alexander will replace Betony Kelly and Christine Simpson, whose terms end this year. See our STAMMA Trustees page to see the full list of current Trustees, which we'll update once the AGM is over.