Help shape guidance on stammering & cluttering

Do you stammer or clutter? If so, we invite you to take part in an online focus group (with no pressure to speak) to help update guidance.
We're partnering with the Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists (RCSLT) to update their guidance on stammering and cluttering, and want your input.
We're looking for UK-based people who stammer or clutter to join a focus group and share experiences and give feedback on the draft guidance.
What would I have to do?
If you would like to take part, we'll send you some short documents about the project to read in your own time. Then you can attend an online focus group meeting where we'll discuss the documents. This will last for around 2 hours maximum and there'll be up to 7 other people there. During the meeting you can express your thoughts and opinions by speaking or by writing in the chat - whatever you feel most comfortable with.
When are the focus group meetings?
Focus group for adults who stammer (age 26+):
Tuesday 21st January, 6.30-8.30pm.
Focus group for people who clutter (aged 18+):
Tuesday 28th January, 6.30-8.30pm.
Will I get anything in return?
Yes, the RCSLT will give you a £50 voucher as a thank you for taking part.
I'm interested! What next?
We want to include variety of people in the groups, so we're looking for participants:
- with protected characteristics
- with different experiences of stammering/cluttering. We want to include people who love their stammer or their clutter and those who really don't
- who have and have not had speech and language therapy or other support
- who have had positive and negative experiences of that support.
So that we can select a range of people to be involved, we'd like to ask you just a few quick questions through one our forms. Please click on the link below that is relevant to you.
Fill out this application form if you stammer
Fill out this application form if you clutter
We'll contact you by Tuesday 14th January to tell you whether you've been selected to take part. If we don't select you, we'll let you know about other ways you can get involved in the project.
Who is the RCSLT?
The Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists (RCSLT) is the professional body for speech & language therapists in the UK. They aim to enable better lives for people with communication and swallowing needs.
The RCSLT develops guidance for speech & language therapists to promote good clinical and professional practice in line with regulatory standards. They also develop information for other audiences, for example, other professionals, commissioners, people with communication and swallowing needs and their families.