Your Voice

Your Voice

Your articles on life with a stammer

Stories, articles, opinions, poems, art and more from people who stammer. Read about their stammering experiences.

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Your voice
Elliot gives advice and encouragement to anyone who wants to become a YouTuber like him.
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When she was bullied as a child, Allie found solace in the school music room. Now travelling the world as a professional singer, she urges us not to let stammering hold us back.
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Speech is important for Ade's work as a change management professional. After getting help through speech & language therapy, he has learned to be himself and embrace the strengths his stammer gives him.
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Keith writes about how anxiety used to stop him from doing lots of things. Since being introduced to cognitive behaviour therapy, however, all that has changed.
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When Pearl chose to write about stammering to get into her first choice university, little did she know that she would end up connecting with part of her identity she’d never felt before.
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Christine talks about the words that have had an impact on her. and urges people to think before they speak.
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When James took part in an online strategy game based on the TV show Survivor, he soon realised he'd have to figure out a strategy for dealing with his stammer too. Find out how he got on.
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Zara opens up about her stammer, with this post from her blog 'Zara Writes'
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Debbie talks about teaching others that people who stammer can be good communicators.
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Ben looks back with regret at the times he let stammering hold him back, and explains how he built up the confidence to do things he never thought he was capable of.
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Ali tells us his story of progressing at work and enjoying a successful international career, and settling down with his wife and children.
Key worker Emma Bound has been stammering more in the Covid-19 pandemic, making work more difficult. However, learning to accept it in her late twenties has helped her stay upbeat and resilient. She just wishes she realised it sooner.
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