Blog Lists

Alan gives us his thoughts on Joe Biden, a person who stammers (PWS), becoming US President Elect, and looks at how he achieved it.
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Newly qualified nurse Abbey talks about her hospital training placements, seeing her confidence grow, and how rewarding the experience has been.
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When Jamie was being marked down for not saying his company's name when answering phone calls at work, he decided to address his stammer with the training team.
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Keith writes about how anxiety used to stop him from doing lots of things. Since being introduced to cognitive behaviour therapy, however, all that has changed.
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Vicky calls out the recruitment practices that disadvantage people who stammer, and offers some alternatives.
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Jack tells us how Covid-19 has affected his year, with uni work and jobs being disrupted, and face coverings and remote working being an issue. Despite that, he reflects on the good things that have happened in 2020 so far.
Meeting other people who stammer transformed the way Kaitlin viewed her speech. Here she challenges the idea that she has to conform to expectations of fluency.
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When Pearl chose to write about stammering to get into her first choice university, little did she know that she would end up connecting with part of her identity she’d never felt before.
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Patrick argues for introducing new language to change public attitudes and perceptions of stammering.
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