Tim's Vlog: Stammering Avoidance
In his first vlog for STAMMA, Tim Shanks talks about his history of avoiding stammering.
21st September 2023
In his video above, Tim reveals the lengths he goes to to avoid stammering and describes how this makes him feel. He also talks about how hard it is to stop trying to hide it from others.
Tim mentions Joseph Sheehan at one point in the video. Sheehan was a speech & language therapist, whose main message was: "Don’t avoid, don't hide, don't deny your stuttering. The only way you'll ever get over your fear of stuttering and thus become genuinely fluent; is to meet it head-on. Always do the thing you fear, and gradually you will learn not to fear it."
If you would like to contribute a regular vlog for STAMMA, email editor@stamma.org for details.
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Bhupinder Purewal's vlog about dealing with bad days when you stammer.
In this episode, Bhupinder talks about days when she feels more anxious about her speech. Those times when she overthinks things and puts pressure on herself. She also talks about trying to focus on the good things.
Bhupinder has set up a Facebook page The Stammering Life and a YouTube channel if you'd like to connect. Follow her channel on Instagram using @thestammeringlife.
Watch more vlogs. Would you like to submit a vlog? Email editor@stamma.org or see Submit Something To The Site to find out more.
Tash's first vlog about stammering.
17th August 2020
In her first vlog for STAMMA, Tash explains the work that goes into speaking when you have a stammer.
Watch more vlogs. If you would like to be a regular vlogger, email editor@stamma.org