Tash's vlog: My first stammering conference
Tash reflects on her first time at STAMMAFest Global.
29th September 2022
Tash talks about what about it was like attending STAMMAFest Global, our conference in August 2022, for the first time.
Watch more vlogs. If you would like to be a regular vlogger, email editor@stamma.org
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Tash reflects on the workshop she ran at our 2022 conference.
4th November 2022
Tash talks about the workshop she ran at STAMMAFest Global, our conference in August 2022. In 'Stammering through a lens', Tash used her love of photography to explore how attendees felt about their stammers. See some of the pictures they produced.
Watch more vlogs. If you would like to be a regular vlogger, email editor@stamma.org
Bhupinder Purewal's first vlog about living with a stammer.
In her first video, Bhupinder introduces her new YouTube channel 'This Stammering Life', which we are guest hosting on our site, and talks about how her approach to stammering has changed. Watch it below.
More about Bhupinder
Hi, I'm Bhupinder and I'm a primary school teacher and founder of the group Coventry Stammerers.
I recently went through a difficult period when I started teaching and began to doubt myself due to my stammer. When I discovered the stammering community, it really helped me to not only accept my stammer but embrace it. I decided to create a YouTube channel, 'The Stammering Life' to put my experiences out there.
With my videos I would love to help other stammerers feel that their voice is important and that they don't need to change to live a full life.
My videos
In my videos I'll be talking about how I embrace my stammer in my daily life; the impact the stammering community has had on me; and my experiences as a teacher who stammers. I'll also be sharing advice about the things which have helped my confidence and self-esteem, as well as being open about the things I still struggle with.
- Looking for support for your stammer? See Get Help
Until recently, I was ashamed of my stammer because I rarely heard people who sounded like me. With my videos I would love to help other stammerers feel that their voice is important and that they don't need to change to live a full life. I think that sharing my experiences will really help others to feel less isolated and to show them that there is a whole community of stammerers out there. I hope it will also raise awareness of stammering within the non-stammering community.
Bhupinder has set up a Facebook page The Stammering Life and a YouTube channel if you'd like to connect. Follow her channel on Instagram using @thestammeringlife.
In his first vlog for STAMMA, Tim Shanks talks about his history of avoiding stammering.
21st September 2023
In his video above, Tim reveals the lengths he goes to to avoid stammering and describes how this makes him feel. He also talks about how hard it is to stop trying to hide it from others.
Tim mentions Joseph Sheehan at one point in the video. Sheehan was a speech & language therapist, whose main message was: "Don’t avoid, don't hide, don't deny your stuttering. The only way you'll ever get over your fear of stuttering and thus become genuinely fluent; is to meet it head-on. Always do the thing you fear, and gradually you will learn not to fear it."
If you would like to contribute a regular vlog for STAMMA, email editor@stamma.org for details.