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Support the #TwoPointSixChallenge and Stamma. You'll need to set yourself a fundraising challenge involving the numbers 2.6 or 26 to complete on Sunday 26th April.
Business admin apprentice William Laven tells us how social distancing is affecting his speech and how he's adapting to working from home.
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US-based Esteban Alfonso explains how his childhood experiences got him into art, photography and fashion. But firefighting was his real passion.
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Being unable to use his usual coping strategies, Mark Limbert talks about the effect social distancing is having on his stammer, and the challenges he now faces.
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The Text Relay service can make telephone calls easier if you stammer.
Speech & Language Therapist and Mum, Jaclyn Morton, argues that we need to change the language we use with our children who stammer.
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Tobrise talks about accepting his stammer, and how his passion for football and filmmaking influenced his career.
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Social distancing doesn’t mean we have to feel isolated. Read our guide on which video chatting apps to use.
Qais Hussain sent in this powerful short story about a young girl struggling at school and how she constantly feels besieged by her teachers.
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When LeeAnn Brionez wanted to work on her fluency, her speech therapist suggested using a Delayed Auditory Feedback app. Here LeeAnn tells us how she got on with it.
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With less face-to-face contact, what issues does social distancing, because of the coronavirus, have for people who stammer at work or having job interviews?
With everyone socially distancing at the moment, several local stammering groups are moving their meetings online to stay in touch.