Book Review: The Stuttering Coach

A book cover

A review of the book 'The Stuttering Coach', by Martin Scott. Review by speech & language therapist Hannah Thomas 

The Stuttering Coach, written by Martin Scott is a very powerful short story about an extremely dedicated and passionate football coach 'with a difference', the difference is, he has a stammer. 

Martin provides an insightful and honest description of some of the feelings he has experienced linked to his stammer. However, the main takeaway message, which comes through towards the end of the story, is that Martin has learned over time to embrace his stammer and that he can do whatever he wants to do, with a stammer. Martin continues to inspire young footballers while sharing a positive message about stammering.

Hopefully, this story gives a positive message to parents of children who stammer that their child can pursue their passions and dreams, without their stammer being a barrier.

The Stuttering Coach would be a powerful and positive resource to share with young people who stammer. Martin is a role model who demonstrates strength, resilience and courage and gives an honest reflection on feelings of being 'low' and 'alone', but also realises that his stammer should not hold him back.

It would be most suitable for older children as some of the themes are quite complex. Younger children may enjoy the illustrations and rhyme play, but would be unlikely to fully appreciate the messages shared in the story. 

Overall the book may be a useful tool to help peers of children who stammer have increased awareness of stammering and some understanding of what a person who stammers might experience. Hopefully, this story gives a positive message to parents of children who stammer that their child can pursue their passions and dreams, without their stammer being a barrier.

The Stuttering Coach, by Martin Scott, out now, is published by Austin Macauley and is aimed at children aged 3-12. You can buy it in paperback and as an ebook from as well as WH Smiths, Waterstones and Amazon.

Martin has written an article for our site all about the story behind the book

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