Book review: I didn't ask for beans

A new children's book by Jude Robertson, who wrote it when he was 8, is out now.
The book 'I Didn't Ask For Beans: My Life With a Stammer' is a book about how stammering can make Jude feel, how he'd like to be treated and his experiences of speech & language therapy.
His mum Hannah told us, "It's a heartfelt account of Jude's thoughts, feelings and experiences of living with a stammer, as well as a call for patience and understanding. Jude hopes that this book will raise awareness about stammering and how much someone's response can impact those who live with it".
Haley Cocker, a parent from our volunteer review team read the book for us and said, "What a lovely book. I love how it's written from Jude's perspective; as a parent I would have found this useful when my son was younger, and for other family members to read it. It gives advice that will help others have a good understanding of stammering".
The short book is illustrated throughout with bees, the increasing pain of their sting being an analogy for when his stammer on his words "gets worse and worse". 'Getting worse' are words that many in the stammering therapy profession try not to use so as not to put judgement on stammering, but here it is Jude's honest description of how stammering can sometimes feel to him, something many might relate to.
Read all about the story behind the book in an article written by Jude's mum Hannah.
'I Didn't Ask For Beans: My Life With a Stammer' by Jude Robertson is a self-published book available to buy now on paperback from Amazon.
Thank you to Haley Cocker from our volunteer review team for reading the book for STAMMA. If you would like to join our review team, fill in the form on our Volunteer With Us page.