The Fife Stammering Support Group
A monthly group in Fife for people who stammer, run by the Scottish Stammering Network (SSN).
John & Megan from the SNN say, "Our support groups are a chance to meet others who stammer, share experiences and take part in workshops all designed to help with stammering.
'It might seem a bit daunting to come along to a group like this for the first time but everyone is very friendly and there to help each other. No one is put on the spot and the Chair always introduces new people to the group, so there's no need to worry about those initial introductions.
'People who attend have given excellent feedback on how the groups have really been of benefit to them."
More details
*Unfortunately this group isn't meeting at the moment.* See the Scottish Stammering Network website or email John & Megan at info@scottishstammeringnetwork.org for details.
Also, visit the Scottish Stammering Network Facebook page.
X/Twitter: @stammerscotland
See other ways you can get involved with the STAMMA community.
*We are awaiting confirmation of this group's agreement to abide by the Core Standards of STAMMA Communities (you can download this document on our Communities & Groups page if you would like to check it out).