The Bristol Stuttering Support Group
A group in Bristol for anyone who stammers, family and friends, or anyone else with an interest in stammering.
Organiser Simon says, "Everyone is welcome. The group is a free space to speak in whatever way you want, with no rules, no instruction, no coaching and most importantly, no judgement.
'Just come along, have a chat, use a technique if you want to and just stammer your head right off. We'll might even do some speaking games if people like."
Meetings are held monthly (the day of the week varies), normally from 6pm to 8pm at various venues such as cafes and pubs.
If you'd like to be part of it, email Simon at simon8222@sky.com or phone 07941148266.
Visit Bristol Stuttering Support Group's Facebook group.
See other ways you can get involved with the STAMMA community.