If you've got something you want to say about stammering; your story, a poem, a piece of art, or even a rant, we'd love to share it.
Hearing others talk about experiences similar to yours can help you feel less alone. It can bring things into perspective. It's also a powerful way to inspire, encourage and raise awareness of stammering and its impact.
So, tell us how things are going for you. Whether you stammer, you're a parent, family member, or if you know someone else stammers, we want to hear from you.
Tell us about:
- growing up with a stammer
- how stammering is impacting you and your life
- stammering at work, or your job hunting experiences
- dating and relationships
- school, college or university
- your experiences as a parent of a child who stammers
- things you've found helpful
- any other stammering-related topics, opinions, art, poems, songs, you name it.
Read what others have written.
How to submit your article
- Download and read our guide 'Writing for Your Voice' below. It has some handy pointers on the tone and language we're looking for.
- Email your work, 800 words max, in a word/docx file, to editor@stamma.org Please also send a good quality picture of yourself. Ideally in landscape mode.
Alternative ways to submit your piece
By post
We welcome handwritten or typed pieces too - please post your article to: Editor, STAMMA, PO BOX 140, 43 Bedford Street, London, WC2E 9HA.
By phone
If typing or writing is difficult for you, our editor would be happy to chat over the phone and dictate your article. Call us on 020 8983 1003 and ask for Steven.
We did this for John's article 'How psychological therapies help with my stammer'.
We'll acknowledge receipt of your article within a few working days. Because of the high number of submissions, articles may take a while to be published. If you have any questions or would like more information, email editor@stamma.org
We look forward to hearing your story!
Top images: Max (read his article 'My YouTube video') and Chantal (read her article 'It's essential that we continue to form community').