Space To Stammer

Three illustrated coffee cups, one with the handwritten slogan 'Space to Stammer'

Our campaign to get customer-facing organisations to consider people who stammer.

Here's a real-life coffee shop experience that's typical of stories we've heard from our members over the years:

"Only a month ago… I went into a coffee shop and ordered a flat white and a croissant. However, croissant is not an easy word for me to say. I tried a few times until the barista ordered me to “spit it out!”." 

Behaviour like this is unacceptable. 

Have you had a similar experience since the start of 2024? If you have, we want to hear about it. 

Take me to the form to share my coffee shop story. Please only fill out the form with experiences from January 2024 onwards.

We want to understand how widespread experiences like these are. If we find there's a problem, we want to create real change. As part of that change, we'll encourage coffee shops and cafés to make space for stammering. So that whether you stammer on your order or you don't, whether you hide your stammering or speak spontaneously, whether you use a fluency technique or stammer loud-and-proud, you can order your coffee, enjoy it and get on with your day.

Keep coming back to this page where we'll report on our findings, come up with recommendations for how things can be done differently, and start conversations with the coffee shops and brands. Exciting huh?

This work is part of STAMMA's 2024-2027 strategy for making a difference.

Two women in running outfits holding flags and looking at the camera
Tayo & Bhupinder
A speaker on stage at STAMMAFest 2023

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