(Posted 12th February 2025)
Are you someone who stammers? Ben Farmer, a researcher from the University of Surrey, invites you to join a 2-week online study to explore how practising self-compassion can improve psychological well-being.
Ben says, "It's often said that 'You are your own worst critic'. Many people find it difficult to treat themselves with kindness and compassion, and this can be especially true if you stammer. Our study investigates whether a short, self-compassion course can help improve well-being for people who stammer".
Why Take Part?
Ben continues: "Evidence suggests that practising self-compassion can reduce stress, increase resilience and boost psychological well-being. Building self-compassion may help you manage the difficult emotions associated with facing challenging situations, stepping into feared speaking moments, and engaging in opportunities that you may have been avoiding. By participating, you'll contribute to valuable research that could benefit others who stammer".
What's Involved?
- Participate in a 2-week self-directed online course with 10-minute daily video exercises focused on building self-compassion skills.
- Complete short surveys about your well-being and self-compassion at three points (at the start and end of the course, and two weeks after).
- Share your experience of the study in a brief written feedback form.
Who can take part?
This study is open to anyone who stammers aged 18+, anywhere in the world.
For more information, visit the University of Surrey's website to access the study or email Ben Farmer at b.farmer@surrey.ac.uk for more information.
The study will end in September 2025.
This study is conducted by researchers at the University of Surrey and has received ethical approval.
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