James Hayden

Read 'Your Voice' articles from James, our regular contributor from the USA.

A man looking at the camera and smiling
James Hayden

'The advice I needed, in more ways than one' (12th December 2023)

'My stammering advocacy iceberg' (13th September 2023)

'The look' (16th June 2023)

'Grace in stammering advocacy' (21st March 2023)

'What taking a hiatus taught me about advocacy' (20th Jan 2023)

'What I want to say vs what I can say' (16th June 2022)

'Getting rid of "Did I stutter?"' (22nd March 2022)

'My call to a YouTube Live event' (21st Jan 2022

'Stammering in my medical records' (24th Nov 2021)

'By disclosing my stammer I'm taking ownership of it' (31st March 2021

'A series of follow up letters' (1st July 2021)

'Educating people about the message of their words' (22nd Oct 2020)

'Surviving the online Survivor game' (6th Oct 2020)

'My stammer during the Covid-19 pandemic' (9th July 2020)

'An open letter to "Dear Evan Hansen"' (16th June 2020)

'The gift that keeps on giving' (19th Dec 2019)

'A letter to my stutter' (4th Sept 2019)

Read more articles at Your Voice. If you'd like to write an article, or become a regular contributor, email editor@stamma.org and we'll give you all the details.

Media image listing
Two women in running outfits holding flags and looking at the camera
Tayo & Bhupinder
A speaker on stage at STAMMAFest 2023

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