

Read what we're up to

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Norbert Lieckfeldt gives tribute to a much loved former BSA team member, who sadly passed away last week.
We held our Annual General Meeting last weekend and reported back on the Stamma campaign so far. Download the presentation slides, report and minutes here.
International Stammering Awareness Day this year was an absolute blast. From podcasts and ad campaigns, to awareness-raising stalls and black tie dinner events, see what everybody got up to.
A very special edition of Pip's podcast Distraction Pieces, recorded with us for International Stammering Awareness Day (ISAD). Have a listen.

We've just released our annual report for 2018. Download it here.

Have a listen to the latest edition of the Stuttering is Cool podcast, featuring our very own Jane Powell talking about the Stamma campaign.
Ahead of the very first exhibition by Hiatus Collective this September, we interviewed founder Rory Sheridan about his aims for the cross-arts initiative.
A new book challenges the stereotype that stammering is inherently negative.
There's a brand new group in London for women who stammer starting in September and the organisers are looking for new members.
A massive thank you to our team of runners at this July's ASICS London 10k Run. Here are some pics from the day.
STAMMA volunteer Asif Khan has been shortlisted as a finalist in The Asian Apprenticeship Awards 2019, taking place in October.
The campaign bringing together employment leaders from around the world to collaborate and transform opportunities at work.