New Patron: Jonty Claypole
8th February 2021
We're proud to announce that author and outgoing Director of BBC Arts Jonty Claypole has become our newest Patron.
Listed in the Bookseller's Top 100 Most Influential People, Jonty is the outgoing Director of BBC Arts and Chairman of the arts centre Home in Manchester. His recent book, 'Words Fail Us: In Defence of Disfluency' is a cultural history of speech disorders, an exploration of the growing ‘stammering pride’ movement, and a passionate argument for diversity in speech and communication.
Commenting on his new role, Jonty said, "STAMMA's work in tackling discrimination and creating a more positive narrative around stuttering has made it a powerful force for tolerance and diversity in the UK. I’m thrilled and proud to have an opportunity to support their work as a patron."
Jane Powell, CEO, added, "We are delighted to welcome Jonty as a Patron of STAMMA. By demonstrating how disfluencies can enrich and improve communication and art, he has highlighted, to a world where fluency is king, how overlooking this comes at a great cost. Rethinking and reframing our own disfluency shows us how we can play our own part in bringing about this change."
Live interview/Q&A with Jonty
Watch our interview with Jonty Claypole, in which he talks about his book and celebrates the contribution of people who stammer.
Read our review of Jonty's book 'Words Fail Us: In Defence of Disfluency'.