Interview/Q&A with Jonty Claypole

12th February 2021

Watch Jonty Claypole talk about his new book 'Words Fail Us: In Defence of Disfluency' in this exclusive interview.

In case you missed the great interview we had with author Jonty Claypole on zoom this week, you can watch it below. STAMMA Trustee Betony Kelly asked him all about his journey to understand his own stammer, why he believes people with speech disfluencies have so much to offer in this fluency-obsessed world, and what we can do ourselves to help shift perceptions in society. Watch the interview above and read our 'Book review: Words Fail Us'.

Watch Jonty turn interviewer, in our Interview/Q&A with poet Owen Sheers.

Two women in running outfits holding flags and looking at the camera
Tayo & Bhupinder
A speaker on stage at STAMMAFest 2023

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