Guidance for jury service

A juror's box with empty seats inside

Check out our new page for helping you navigate jury service if you stammer.

Being summoned for jury service, or jury duty, is something all of us might face at one point. If you stammer, the speaking situations involved, eg swearing on oath and deliberating cases, might seem scary.

To help with this, we've just added a new page that talks you through what to expect and how to get support if you are summoned. Head over to our Stammering & Jury Service page to read all about it.

It's all part of our Help For Speaking Situations section, where we've also got guides for: 

Don't forget, you can call our free helpline or use our webchat if you would like support with stammering. Or if you just fancy a chat! 

Two women in running outfits holding flags and looking at the camera
Tayo & Bhupinder
A speaker on stage at STAMMAFest 2023

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