A woman sitting a desk smiling at a woman sitting opposite, whose face we can't see

Workshop: Interviewing people who stammer

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Date/time range
Tuesday 25th June 2024 2:00pm – 3:00pm

A free workshop helping you learn about ways to accommodate people who stammer in interviews.

If you're involved in interviewing, whether that's as part of recruitment and HR, university admissions, or taking witness statements, some of the people you interview will stammer.

Procedures and ways of working in interviews are often set up without any thought for interviewees who stammer. Yet, in the UK, the Equality Act and the Disability Discrimination Act (NI) put a legal obligation on organisations to make sure they're not disadvantaging people who stammer through their interview procedures.

In this 60-minute workshop on Tuesday 25th June, we'll outline the challenges people who stammer commonly face with standard interview practices, which can prevent them from demonstrating their skills, competence and knowledge or from providing best evidence.

The session will include plenty of practical tips and resources on how you can easily adapt the way you interview, so that both you and your interviewee can get the most out of the conversation. That way, you have the information you need to evaluate or to decide who really is the best candidate for that job or university place!

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Two women in running outfits holding flags and looking at the camera
Tayo & Bhupinder
A speaker on stage at STAMMAFest 2023

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