ISAD Workshops for parents, SLTs, educators & employers
*These events has ended. See our Events page for upcoming workshops.
Three online workshops on International Stammering Awareness Day, for parents, speech & language therapists (and student SLTs), and anyone working with people who stammer.
Changing public perceptions of stammering
Thursday 22nd October, 9:30am-11am
A workshop for qualified and student speech and language therapists (SLTs), discussing the role of the SLT in changing public perceptions and understanding of stammering.
To register your place, click here.
Help! I don't know what to say (or not say) to my child who stammers
Thursday 22nd October, 11:15am-12:45pm
A friendly, informal workshop for parents of preschool and primary school children who stammer, offering the opportunity to meet with other parents and with speech and language therapists to discuss experiences of talking (or not talking) about stammering at home.
To register your place, click here.
Working with, teaching, and employing people who stammer
Thursday 22nd October, 1pm-2pm
A seminar for employers, educators, HR professionals and managers about ways to create an inclusive environment for people who stammer at your workplace, school, uni or institution.
To register your place, click here.