Celebration of Stammering & the Arts
An afternoon of online talks and workshops celebrating the creativity of people who stammer, organised by the Cambridge Stammering Self Help group & open to everyone.
"Breaking stigmas, battling taboos and exploring new, exciting understandings of stammering"
Date & times: Saturday 6th March, 2pm-5pm
On Zoom and broadcast live on social media
Free registration now open
Register your place at the Celebration of Stammering & The Arts Eventbrite page.
About this event
The Cambridge Stammering Self Help Group is proud to present a three-hour Celebration of Stammering and The Arts on Saturday 6th March, 2-5pm.
Organiser Robert Coe says, "There's recently been increased publicity surrounding stammering with Joe Biden becoming President, the publication of several high-profile books about stammering and features on TV, radio and newspapers. Let's carry on the conversation and celebrate people who stammer, particularly those in the arts."
Robert adds, "There'll be keynote speakers and breakout sessions about comedy, cartoon drawing, writing, acting, visual arts, documentary making, and working in the creative industries. In addition there are workshops for children who stammer and their parents, music making, poetry, dance, advice on accessing university courses, stammering in the media, an LGBTQI+ group and even a chillout room to chat and make friends. It will be held on Zoom and also broadcast on other social media platforms."
(Timings are approximate - we all stammer!)
2pm: Intro with singer-songwriter Saraphir Qaa-Rishi (movingpresence.co.uk).
2:10: Main speaker JJJJJerome Ellis, composer, poet and performer (jjjjjerome.com).
2:45: Main speaker Jonty Claypole, author of 'Words Fail Us: In Defence of Disfluency', outgoing BBC Director of the Arts, and STAMMA Trustee.
3:20: Round table discussion chaired by BBC journalist Felicity Baker and Sophie Raworth, featuring Helen Rutter, author of 'The Boy Who Made Everyone Laugh), Paul Aston, painter (Instagam @paulastonpainter), Rory Sheridan, socially engaged arts producer, founder of neurodiversity arts collective Hiatus (hiatuscollective.com), Daniele Rossi, cartoonist (stutteringiscool.com), and Gina Rose, movie producer (icantsleepmovie.com).
3.55: Musical interlude by Madeleine Jones, Unaccompanied Bach for Violin, Partita 3 Prelude (Instagram @violinwaves).
4pm: Breakout rooms:
- Parents and their children who stammer: Abed Ahmed
- Stammering and social media: Naoimi Ogoke
- Stammering and poetry: Iain Wilkie
- Studying in the arts with a stammer: Claire Norman
- Working in the arts/creative industries: Rhian Binns
- Stammering in theatre & performance arts: Nye-Russell Thompson
- Cartoon drawing workshop: Daniele Rossi (stutteringiscool.com)
- Stammering representation in the media: Jack Dinsley
- Self help, chat and chill out: Robert Coe
- Making a documentary about my stammer: Adam Wright
- Stammering representation in movies: Erik Lamens
- LGBTQI+ and stammering: Jenny Sheanon
- Working in the music industry: Jordan Caygill
- Stammering and literature: Patrick Campbell
- Stammering and comedy: Callum Schofield
- How dance and yoga can help with a stammer: Nicole Olivia Scott
- Expressing a stammer visually: Alexander Taylor
- Sound in movement: Saraphir Qaa-Rishi
4:40: Closing speech by Nina G, comedian (ninagcomedian.com)
Rob adds "We're proud to be teaming up with the African Stuttering Centre and STAMMA to raise funds and help support people who stammer in Africa and the UK." You can donate on their Justgiving page. See the African Stuttering Centre's video and blog.
Social media
Please use the hashtags on social media #CelebrateStammering #Stammering #ItsHowWeTalk
Please tag @CambsStammering on Twitter
Hosted by Cambridge Stammering Self Help Group @CambsStammering
Supported by STAMMA @stammer
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