Celebrating Women Who Stammer

'This International Women's Day we're highlighting the stories, experiences, opinions and art of women who stammer.
Click on the categories below to read articles from women taken from our Your Voice section, where we regularly post new content.
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My story
It is my accomplishments that set me apart, not my speech'
Christina Spicer talks about breaking free of self-limiting thoughts, the importance of community and fulfilling her potential.
'It breaks my heart whenever I meet another stammerer who finds it hard to speak up for themselves'
Naomi Ogoke tells us how she uses social media to make a positive change for people who stammer.
'I believe whole-heartedly in acceptance and stammering pride'
Christine Simpson talks about rising through the ranks in her profession, feminism and starting a group for women who stammer.
'The more I talk, the more confident I get'
Key worker Emma Bound explains how learning to accept her stammer it in her late twenties has helped her stay upbeat and resilient. She just wishes she realised it sooner.
'I didn't think someone who stutters like me could be a stand-up'
Read a chapter from comedian Nina G's book 'Stutterer Interrupted: The Comedian Who Almost Didn't Happen'.
'I realised that fighting my stammer was only making things worse'
Stammering used to have a huge impact on Razane Cherk's mental health and self-esteem. Read how she came to terms with.
'I realised it's not what you sound like that matters, but what you are saying'
Erin Stoner, winner of a top public speaking competition, makes her case for people who stammer being the perfect communicators.
'I've accepted my stammer is a part of me. It is what it is'
Read how Helena has gradually learnt to accept stammering.
'When I'm on stage singing to thousands, I feel free'
Singer Allie Meek didn't let stammering hold her back from pursuing her dream job.
'Stammering has given me a quirk'
A-Level student, fashion intern and YouTuber Tamsin Laura talks about the ups and downs of stammering, not being so hard on yourself and sharing experiences through videos.
'Quarantine is helping me to better understand my stammer'
Madhavi Roy worried what effect isolation might have on her speech. But it's providing an opportunity to discover a new world of support online.
'I thought "I can't let this be the norm for people who stammer"'
When Rhian Binns was laughed at by a barista in Costa when ordering a tea, she decided enough was enough.
'Through online stammering communities I found freedom'
Phyllis Edwards writes about her journey to self-acceptance since that day she found our Facebook group, a journey which has taken her thousands of miles from home.
'Growing up in the 90s was especially hard with a stammer'
Read how Emma Jayne Carroll took things into her own hands.
'What it's like to wake up one day with a stammer in adulthood'
Hannah describes how developing an 'adult-onset' stammer affected her everyday life.
'It's something I've kept hidden from my online friends'
Zara opens up about her stammer, with this post from her blog.
'I saw clearly that it was time to let go; to let go and stop fighting this'
Phoning a radio station one night changed Roberta Volpe's life forever...
'Navigating through life, language, dance and yoga whilst stammering'
Nicole Olivia Scott explains how dance and yoga help with her stammer, as well as the challenges of learning a new language.
'Being a covert stammerer was one thing but being transgendered, I was completely buried out of sight'
Jenny explains how meeting others online helped her to transition, and how portraying herself differently built her confidence.
'I found an overwhelming sense of self-understanding and community'
Pearl Young writes about her accidental journey to self-discovery.
'Finding other people talking about acceptance of stuttering, and that it was okay, blew my mind'
Rebekah Spencer-Maroon tells us just how difficult a journey it can be.
'This unique journey has given me many qualities, one of which is confidence'
Christine Birney talks about how words can have a lasting effect.
'Using a fluency app helped with my fluency'
LeeAnn Brionez tells us about learning to use a Delayed Auditory Feedback app and how she got on with it at work.
Tash's vlog
Watch videos from our regular vlogger Tash on stammering virtually, responding to ignorance, meeting new people at uni, and talking on the phone. See Tash introduce herself below.
Poetry, music & art
My poem: 'Toxic relationship'
Djenaba Fofana's powerful poem about her stammer
My song: 'So What? (A Stutterer's Story)
Singer Katri Somerjoki talks about achieving success in her native Finland with the band Mascara, explaining how a TV appearance helped changed her view of stammering.
My poem: 'Lighting Candles'
Read the first poem Natasha Foster has written about her stammer.
'How I created the dysfluent heroes I needed as a kid'
Jo Murphy turned a passion for storytelling into creating a comic-strip world, where they could find acceptance and a sense of identity.
My poem: 'What is your name?'
Akima Harris's poem on what it feels like to stammer.
'Through art I was able to confront my issues and get to know who I really am'
Having been covert about her stammer for 45 years, Wendy Ronaldson was known as 'the listener'. But through art she discovered her voice.
My poem: 'Stammering is Me'
Read Beth Watson's poem and watch her talk about her story below.
At work
'Stammering can't stop me'
Speech and language therapy student Angelica Bernabe on having the determination to achieve what you want.
'Can you give presentations if you stammer? Of course you can'
Ten years ago Lynne Mackie would have laughed in your face if you said she'd be giving weekly presentations.
'"Work in education, it would be fun," they said... and it is'
Namrah Chaudhry talks about overcoming inner self-doubt when working with sixth-formers.
'At the beginning I felt anxious that clients wouldn't want to work with me because of my stammer'
Counsellor Amy Leggatt gives an account of training in a talking therapy as a person who stammers.
'Most of the time I forget my stammer even exists, because the patients come first'
Abbey Ludkin talks about becoming a nurse.
'My journey to becoming "The Stammering Communicator"'
Marketing strategist and consultant Debbie Jollie talks about how she got into a career teaching others that people who stammer can be good communicators.
'I would never have thought I'd be in a job talking to a classroom full of students'
Sana Arshad talks about the effect her stammer had on her wellbeing, and how help from therapy and a local group helped her embrace it.
I was terrified I wasn't going to get the job at Disneyland, where I've been dreaming to work at since I was a kid'
Read how Meghan Dwyer's interview went and if he got the job.
'I've held a number of positions in client-facing, speaking-centred roles'
Michelle Paradies on how stammering has affected her in the workplace.
'Stammering gives me an edge'
In Nabiha Khan's high-powered role in telecommunications, stammering, she argues, is an asset.
'Getting reasonable adjustments at work helped me achieve more job satisfaction'
Lecturer Dr. Claire Tupling tells us about the adjustments that helped her in meetings.
Dating & relationships
'I've found someone who can see beyond my stammer'
Vidya Jaishankar writes about her worries about how her stammer would affect her chances of finding the perfect match.
'Should I tell someone I stammer on a first date?'
Maddie Beestin gives advice for anyone worried about dating.
'We need to speak more about stammering'
Louise Kelly talks about the power of words and their impact on her.
'Why should I have to be fluent?'
Kaitlin Naughten challenges the idea that she has to conform to expectations of fluency.
'I'm not sure if I'd label myself as disabled for having a stammer'
Amber Faulkner explores the question that divides the stammering community and explains why it's one she struggles to answer.
'You have so much more to contribute'
India Ramkissoon talks about the anxiety she felt before starting university and how being kind to herself helped stop the overthinking.
'In finding my tribe I found my voice'
Maggie Breault hoped going to university would allow her to start a new life, one in which stammering didn't define her. She found the experience to be so much more.
'I don't let my speech define me'
Bethan Owen talks about how she built confidence at university, and how she dealt with someone who used the 'Did you forget your name?' line.
'My stammer made me feel less intelligent than other girls, so I didn't talk'
Claire Norman writes about social phobia and how her uni placement in France made her realise she couldn't hide away any longer.
'I'm so proud of myself for achieving something like this'
Nilima Akhtar talks about becoming a student ambassador and not letting anxieties stop her.
'I cannot imagine life without my stammer'
Sarah Brooks writes about how she grew in confidence at university.
'Living with a stammer while studying'
Recounting her student days, Christine Menzies gives advice to students who stammer today.