A microphone with a sign behind saying 'On air'

ISAD briefings: Ring a radio station

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Date/time range
Wednesday 12th October 2022 1:00pm – 7:00pm

Take to the airwaves and help change the conversation about stammering.

This International Stammering Awareness Day (ISAD) on Saturday 22nd October, you might hear people who stammer being interviewed on radio about it. They'll probably be asked the same old questions about what it's like to have a stammer.

This year, we want to say something different. We want to raise awareness of the fact that the media only really includes people who stammer on this one day of the year, and only talking about their stammer. Radio stations, TV channels and film companies don't employ people who stammer openly to present, read the news, or to act in TV dramas or films. Only when we see and hear people stammering and talking about everyday things, will we see stammering normalised.

This ISAD, we're encouraging you to call a radio phone in show and let people hear your voice. Before ISAD, join one of our Zoom briefing sessions on and well tell you more. Click on either of the links below to register for the session that works best for you.

Briefing session 1: 
1pm, Wednesday 12th October.

Briefing session 2:
6pm, Wednesday 12th October.

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Two women in running outfits holding flags and looking at the camera
Tayo & Bhupinder
A speaker on stage at STAMMAFest 2023

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