Affiliate With STAMMA
Affiliate your organisation with STAMMA to benefit from stammering training and employment support.
With stammering affecting at least 670,000 adults in the UK, your organisation is certain to have employees, members, interview candidates, customers and service users who stammer.
For a small annual fee, you can affiliate with STAMMA to access a range of services to help make your organisation inclusive for people with speech differences. Read the benefits and sign up below.
*If you are a union or a health & social care organisation, please see these pages instead:
For all other organisations, please read on.
Affiliation benefits for your staff, customers or service users include:
Informal, online meetings on request to discuss questions, concerns and issues around stammering. We aim to provide initial guidance and share resources with you as part of the consultation.
Handy written guides with practical, realistic guidance around workplace adjustments for staff who stammer, and tips for working with customers and service users who stammer.
Quarterly newsletter
Includes resources on stammering at work, information on the way stammering interacts with your sector, information for parents of children who stammer, case studies and more.
Tailored online workshops
Access to a programme of workshops and webinars lasting from 30-60 minutes. Topics include:
- workplace adjustments for people who stammer
- chairing inclusive meetings
- support for parents with children who stammer
- interviewing candidates who stammer
- working with customers and service users who stammer, and more.
Training video
A five-minute training video for your training resources. Includes two minutes of key information about stammering + three minutes of information tailored to your sector's needs.
Affiliation fee
You can affiliate with STAMMA for the following:
- £50 for organisations with up to 200 staff or members
- £125 for organisations with 201 to 10,000 staff or members
- £200 for organisations with over 10,000 staff or members.
Affiliate now
Please fill out the form below to affiliate with STAMMA.
(Reminder: we have separate pages where you can sign up your union or health & social care organisation.)