Help us build a private therapist/counsellor list

Here at STAMMA we're trying to build a list of user-recommended speech & language therapists and counsellors in the private sector, and need your help.
On our helpline we often get asked if we can suggest private speech & language therapists or counsellors to help with stammering or mental health around it. Up until now, we signpost people to the Association of Speech & Language Therapists in Independent Practice or NHS Talking Therapies web pages.
Although useful, these sites don't indicate whether or not the person has experience with people who stammer. So, we'd like to make the search easier and share which independent therapists or counsellors others have found helpful.
If a particular speech & language therapist or counsellor has helped you or your child with stammering in the last two years, please tell us about them. Email editor@stamma.org with:
- the therapist/counsellor's name
- whereabouts they're based
- a brief description of why you have found that person helpful.
We'd love to hear from you.
The information we collect will be added to our Get Help section, where we also give details on how to access NHS speech & language therapy services and mental health support, and which stammering courses are out there.