STAMMA Journal Club (Apr)
Are you interested in what's going in the world of stammering research? Join this online event and find out more.
We want to help people who stammer learn more about current research into stammering and help make it accessible for everyone.
In this online session, we'll take a closer look at articles, and explore their results and what they could mean for people who stammer.
The article we'll be discussing at this session is: Does stammering act as a barrier to exercise and sport in Irish adults who stammer? from the ScienceDirect journal. Have a read of it beforehand so you can get some background.
Sign up
If you'd like to join in, click on this Zoom link on Tuesday 9th April at 7:30pm.
Help needed
Would you like to get more involved in the journal club? We're looking for a student who is interested in stammering research to:
- help us choose a research article to read in future sessions
- write a short plain English summary of the article to make it accessible for people without a research background
- help us run the session if needed, eg leading a breakout room
- write up notes from the session.
You might be a speech & language therapy student, a PhD student researching stammering, or even a student with a stammer yourself. By getting involved, you can help make research about stammering accessible for everyone and support the stammering community. If you are interested, email us at c.wiltshire@bangor.ac.uk
Are you a researcher?
We are always looking for new research studies for people who stammer to read at our journal club. If you have a peer reviewed research article that you would be happy for us to share with journal club members, please send us a copy at catherine.woolley@stamma.org
Other ways to get involved
- Take part in current stammering research projects.
- Join our Research Arena - your chance to influence future stammering research projects.