The STAMMA Arts Network is for anyone who stammers and either works in the arts, wants to pursue a career in the industry, or who enjoys practising it non-professionally.
Actor and movement artist Jonathan Hunter tells us about the network he has co-founded for anyone who stammers and has an interest in the arts, professionally or non-professionally:
"Do you work in the arts? If not, do you paint, play an instrument or go to the theatre in your spare time? Does being creative do something that nothing else can? You feel like you just can't wait till the next GCSE drama class? Do you want to see your potential in building a career in the arts industry? Do you feel that stammering will hold you back? Then all I say is:
Go for it.
It can be intimidating to navigate the wide network of the fast paced, changing industry, and even harder with having to face industry professionals with a stammer. But you have to remember: there is no artist like you.
With the STAMMA Arts Network I've set up with writer and aspiring filmmaker Tayo Adesegun and the help of STAMMA, you will have a community that can support and encourage you, and, simply, where you can talk.

We are here to support you through this stammering journey as a creative.
It doesn't matter where your inspiration comes from. It doesn't matter where you trained, or if you've studied. It doesn't matter if you are 'working' or aspiring. All that we want is for you to feel great in doing what you love.
We understand and respect the journey you are on with your stammer, and we are here to support you through this stammering journey as a creative.
There are stammering artists out there, and we want us all to connect, to share ideas, stories and advice while offering support, community and a place to turn to.
"But where do I start?", "How do I know what kind of an artist I want to be?", "Am I good enough?", "But what about my stammer?" These may be some of your questions, and the community at the STAMMA Arts Network will help you discover your answers in your own way.
Members include actors, musicians, designers, directors, theatre makers, graphic designers, sculptures, writers, choreographers, dancers, artists and performers. The Network is also open to you if you enjoy practising art, music, drama, etc, non-professionally. We are all artists on different scales.
Have fun, and let your art out! We are here, at the STAMMA Arts Network."
If you want to join, email Jonathan and Tayo at artsnetwork.stamma@gmail.com
Check them out on social media using: Twitter: @arts_stamma and Instagram: @arts_stamma