Hertfordshire County Council Staff Network
A Hertfordshire County Council Staff Network Group for people with communication difficulties.
This group offers information, support and networking opportunities to all employees of Hertfordshire County Council (HCC) who are directly or indirectly affected by communication difficulties.
Organiser Sam Gill says, "We are an open, supportive and non-judgemental network where members can feel valued and respected. We aim to help HCC promote diversity & inclusion in the workplace and offer support on key programmes that impact staff with communication difficulties and the wider community.
'We also welcome members who have a close loved one or partner with communication difficulties. This includes anyone who may have children who stammer".
The Network holds monthly online informal meetings on the first Tuesday of the month. There are also networking opportunities, with future plans to share information, support and events via a confidential mailing list.
If you work for Hertfordshire County Council and would like to join the Network, email Sam at samuel.gill@hertfordshire.gov.uk for more details.
If you work for a council and would like to set up a stammering network, email communities@stamma.org to discuss how STAMMA can help you.
*We are awaiting confirmation of this group's agreement to abide by the Core Standards of STAMMA Communities (you can download this document on our Communities & Groups page if you would like to check it out).
(Image: by Jim Osley, via Wikimedia Commons)