Central London Stammer Group
A monthly group meeting in Central London for people who stammer.
The group's organisers say, "This is a monthly friendly get-together in a cosy pub. We're a multi-cultural group of all ages and we make sure that everyone has a chance to be heard.
'We share stories of our background and what helps us cope with daily challenges. It's a positive environment to grow in awareness and confidence, and accept who we are. Hopefully it's about forming lasting friendships that will enhance our lives".
More details
The group meets in a classroom at the City Lit adult education centre near Holborn tube station. Under 18s must be accompanied by an adult.
If you want to be part of it, email Joe & Patrick at stammeringlondon@gmail.com
For other groups in London, see our Communities & Groups page.
See Get Help for more ways to get support and become a STAMMA member for free.