Safeguarding Policy
Our policy for creating a safe and welcoming environment.
Creating a safe and welcoming environment, where everyone is respected and valued, is at the heart of safeguarding. It is about making sure that STAMMA's activities are run in a way that actively prevents harm, harassment, bullying, abuse and neglect. It is also about being ready to respond quickly and appropriately if there is a risk, concern or problem.
This policy covers STAMMA's general approach to safeguarding. There is a supplemental policy document covering children, but we are aware that any child or adult can be at risk of harm.
Everybody has the right to be safe no matter who they are or what their circumstances. Abuse and neglect can have devastating effects on individuals, families and wider society, and the damage from safeguarding incidents and allegations can be devastating to our charity. Public trust and confidence in the wider sector can be harmed if these issues are not responded to appropriately.
STAMMA recognises its responsibilities towards safeguarding
STAMMA's Safeguarding Policy applies to all staff, trustees and volunteers. Our aim is to keep everyone who comes into contact with STAMMA safe from harm.
These are the main elements to our policy:
- The existence of a Safeguarding Group, which includes Safeguarding Leads from the STAMMA staff and the STAMMA Board of Trustees.
- Staff Safeguarding Leads to participate in annual training provided by an external body. Ideally, the Safeguarding Leads will participate in different courses or training sessions so that there is a range of knowledge within the group.
- Trustee Safeguarding Leads to participate in training provided by an external body at least once every three years. Ideally, the Safeguarding Leads will participate in different courses or training sessions so that there is a range of knowledge within the group.
- Staff, trustees and volunteers to undertake annual in-house training on reporting safeguarding concerns. The aim is to ensure all staff, trustees and volunteers understand their responsibilities in being alert to signs of harm, harassment, bullying, abuse and neglect and for reporting any concerns. A low threshold for reporting concerns is encouraged.
- Safeguarding Leads to meet three times per year.
- Regular safeguarding updates at trustee meetings
- Safe recruitment and onboarding procedures including checking the suitability of staff, trustees and volunteers to work in their roles. Criminal record checks to be carried out where appropriate to the role.
- At least two staff members and two trustees to have current criminal record checks. This should include the Safeguarding Leads.
- Criminal record checks to be renewed every 3 years for relevant staff, trustees and volunteers.
- Complete risk assessments for STAMMA events and take appropriate action to eliminate or reduce risk of harm.
- All concerns will be reviewed and documented by one or more of STAMMA's Safeguarding Leads, who are responsible for decision making and leading on subsequent action.
- When there is immediate risk to life or when it is deemed that the risk of harm to an individual outweighs that or another individual's right to privacy, appropriate services to be contacted and informed. This may include, for example, social services, police, ambulance or fire service, or use of the LADO process.
- The Safeguarding Group will review all safeguarding reports at their regular meetings to ensure any lessons learned are communicated and implemented across the organisation.
If you have a safeguarding concern about STAMMA, please contact us by phone on 020 8983 1003, or by email at hello@stamma.org