Family Day @ STAMMAFest 2024

Date/time range
Saturday 17th August 2024 9:00am
A mother and father walking hand-in-hand with their son and daughter in a line

Have you got a child who stammers? Come to our Family Day in Nottingham this August.

Family Day is a day for parents and guardians of children who stammer and for the children themselves. It will be held during our national conference, STAMMAFest, on Saturday 17th August at Nottingham Trent University.

There will be fun activities where children can meet others their own age who stammer. Plus, there'll be sessions where you as parents and guardians can meet other parents, ask questions, and share and talk about your experiences.

Children & young people

In the morning, your child, or children, can attend 2 to 3 different activities with others of a similar age, with breaks for refreshments. 

Sessions range from making fun TikTok-style videos to learning circus skills or building playdough sculptures. As well as giving children a chance to meet others, the activities also aim to build confidence, develop their social skills and support them to have more positive thoughts and feelings about stammering.

Parents & guardians

For parents and guardians, there will be a series of short talks, Q&A sessions and time to meet with others and discuss what it's like to have a child who stammers. 

Supporting the sessions will be specialist speech & language therapists (SLTs) and adults who stammer (some SLTs may also stammer, and may also have children who stammer).

Afternoon activities

After lunch, families are welcome to join in the main conference and take part in some of our family-friendly workshops and events. Depending on the age and needs of your child, you can attend just the morning of Family Day or stay for the afternoon workshops as well if you want to. 


The Family Day price is £12 per parent and £7 per child. The ticket prices include refreshments and lunch.

Buy tickets

For more details, and to book your place, click the button below.

A button saying 'Buy STAMMAFest tickets & find out more'


If you have any questions, see our FAQ section and select Family Day from the dropdown. Or you can email us at and we'll get back to you.

See our For Parents section for further help & support.

Two women in running outfits holding flags and looking at the camera
Tayo & Bhupinder
A speaker on stage at STAMMAFest 2023

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