Helpline Services Facebook Volunteer

A woman sitting on a sofa and typing on a laptop in front of her on a coffee table

A volunteering opportunity to support people who stammer through our, and others', Facebook other groups.

Hundreds of people use STAMMA's helpline, webchat and email support service each year. Yet, we know there are lots of people out there on social media who are crying out for help and don't know we're there.

We're looking for someone who can respond to questions and queries on Facebook we don't want anyone to feel alone!

What does the role involve?

  • Reviewing posts in STAMMA's Facebook groups and other related stammering groups.
  • Responding to posts with gentle support, sharing resources and signposting to STAMMA's helpline, webchat and email services where appropriate.
  • Identifying frequently asked questions that are missing from the STAMMA website and proposing useful changes to the information there.

Basic information

Hours: 2 hours per week

Day & time: The hours can be worked at your convenience, but need to be split across 2 sessions so that we can have a regular presence on Facebook.

Salary: This is an unpaid voluntary position.

Download the full details below to read about the support you'll get and anything else you need to know.


If you would like to express an interest in volunteering in this role, or if you have any questions, please email Kirsten at or phone her on 02045 824 130. We'd love to hear from you!

Two women in running outfits holding flags and looking at the camera
Tayo & Bhupinder
A speaker on stage at STAMMAFest 2023

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