

Read more from the stammering world

In-depth articles, comic strips and more.

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Researcher Paul Brocklehurst looks at the link between the two and the implications for therapy and self-help.
What impact does stammering have on a person's career, social life and mental and emotional well-being? Here are the research findings.
CEO Jane Powell reports back from the World Congress for People Who Stutter, Iceland.
Our Comms Director Kate Dickson caught the train to the inaugural Northern Stammerhouse event this June and reports back.
Mandy Taylor gives us a flavour of this June's Walk 'n' Talk. (Note: contains stunning scenery.)
A 2016 overview of findings in stammering research, written by Norman Miller
Findings from a study into stammering genes, from 2010.
A research article by Professor Ashley Craig and Dr Yvonne Tran. *More than 5 years old.
Article about brain research by Dr Tom Weidig.
Article by Robert Kroll and Luc de Nil from the Stuttering Foundation of America.