

Read more from the stammering world

In-depth articles, comic strips and more.

If there's a topic you'd like us to feature, email editor@stamma.org

An exclusive new monthly comic strip for our website, from one of our talented members Gareth Cowlin.
Watch our chat with the Watford FC midfielder Ken Sema, who went viral in February when a post-match interview where he stammered openly had a positive response.

Findings from a study by the Michael Palin Centre for Stammering, into the feasibility of Palin Stammering Therapy for school c

A new guide for healthcare workers who stammer that can help the wider stammering community with job-based oral exams and interviews.
A special event from The BBC Stammering Support Network, featuring Premier League footballer Luke Ayling.
Celebrating those who have gone above and beyond for the stammering community in 2022, as voted for by you.
A new poster urging pantomime producers to give better representations of people who stammer.
A brand new flag from a team advocating for the stammering pride movement.
The launch of a new animated video that explores concerns parents can have when their child starts stammering.
Author Anne-Marie Conway tells us about the real-life inspiration behind her new book, and read a parent's review.
STAMMAFest Global this August was amazing. See our video and photo album and read all about it.
Are you getting your exam results this month? Don't let fears about stammering hold you back from making the next steps.